"Ask not what your country has done for you but what you have done for your country." – John F Kenedy. Precisely the sentiments that is shared by thousands and lakhs of our Indian social activist, social thinkers, media brethrens who take on the moral responsibility to "call the spade a spade" when your government wants it to be called a cushion. There are millions in our society who believe in philanthropy in their own limited way and do for the society without waiting for government response.
To bring this noble effort forward and encourage, "CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility" term has been associated with tax-relief and has been instrumental to engage money seeking corporates to profitably engage in social activity where CSR profit can be from as low as brand publicity to as high as eyeing projects under the umbrella of the CSR. But never mind the personal agenda of money seeking corporate entities of market, they are GivingUp some to society from what they have earned from them in the name of giving back to society.
My marketing super-hera, NaMo, has taken it to all new level. His latest GiveUp campaign has given an opportunity to every citizen to do something for its nation, a. By Giving Up Gas Subsidy, b. By Giving Up rights on ones own Land, c. By Giving Up expectation to be able to reach-out to their PM through proper channel. I wonder what else can a common citizen can GiveUp for my hera !! May be (d.) to GiveUp right to ask question, (e.) right to criticize.

In my limited knowledge, open secrets and popular beliefs, above 50% of MLA's and MP's are super rich and most of all 100% distribute their LAD (Local Area Development) Fund at a certain fixed commission that makes a portion of the tax payers LAD fund, a black money. So, should they not GiveUp their Salary instead of hiking it every 2-3 years while OROP for Jawans takes 42 years. How about netas and babus GiveUp VIPgiri and LaalBatti that costs crores of taxpayers money for the cavalry for the self-obsession with their status symbols. The richest among middle-class today are Government Employees paid exorbitantly independent of their skills, work and ability. Do they GiveUp also !!! Because last I heard was claiming a dead body in Government hospitals comes with a price of corruption, as does giving birth to a child in our society comes for a price. In a country where corruption tax is applicable right from conceiving to being set on fire, well NaMo Ji, common man has made an ultimate GiveUp contribution. Common Man has GivenUp Hope.
Ask a sainik/soldier who survived in extreme places for years, and the humble response would be "nurturing hope that there is hope." But Welcome to India, NaMo maharaj, people are giving up Hope - after they have given up their energy, time, focus, money for the well-being of our India, only to learn that they are being back-stabbed by non other than you. Yes, you are responsible for your government employee's action, inaction and illegal action since they represent you.
Well, as for me, I haven't given up yet. Neither the Subsidy nor the Hope.
You and your office have yet not dared to confirm an appointment with me over months on a matter as critical as National Security that is a symbol of your anxiousness, fear to face me for your illicit threat issued to me, and possibly inadvertent admission of guilt. NaMo ji, in exercising my freedom of Expression towards my Prime Minister, You Mr. PM have proven to be an empty Pot making lot of noise deserving lot more abuses that I reserve in the interest of Law and National Pride, unless you reason your indifference to the irony between your words and actions.
God Bless India.
- Amogh, 06-Sep-2015
ps: This Article underscores the irony between NaMo’s words and action. PM is calling to its citizen requesting to GiveUp their land, their subsidy on name of national interest while the team of netas and babus amass millions worth of property, corruption money and inability to protect or listen to risk to Security of the Nation and hurling threats to those who care and express interest to enable and support government.
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