Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Happy Constitution Day and an Irony that lies within

To : President India Office <>  PM Office <> , <> Speaker Office, Ministry of Home Affairs <>,Shri Arun Jaitley <> 

Dear Current Incharge of Constitution of India ,

Congratulations on starting 26/11 as the Constitution Day of India.

This can only be irony that on this very day, I write to you about how the President of India, the head of our Constitution, has rogered and crippled Constitutional Right of a Citizen of India.

I have been sharing my views freely on Our President of India page in Facebook.  

Since past one month, the President of India has decided to block my rights to comment and sharing my views. This is a symbol of restricting my Constitutional Right to express my view to President Of India.  Thank Fully,  PMO India has been very tolerant to my views, So Far.

In summary, My views have been as follows...

1. For PMO, My views has been mixed. My appreciation for PM's actions for promoting India in the world, Make In India, Swach Bhaarat. All those who oppose PM on these action must think again as it will only weaken our PM and hence our Nation. It is our responsibility to strengthen our PM while he is in Office on such forward looking plans of his.

2. For PMO, your plan like "Atal Pension Yojana" are real cheating as the offering is much lower and impractical than what is already available at retail level in all banks. These repackaging and offering less than market and spending crores to promote them is nothing less than cheating.   

3. For PMO to be Criminally Negligent to Security Interest of India and Me being selectively targeted by  your Ministry for WhistleBlowing on this negligent matter makes you my Villain # 2.

4. For President of India,   President must reflect the Population of India and his lavish lifestyle coupled with indifferent attitude is a slap to the majority of the democratic India that we are.

5. For President of India, Pranab Mukherjee has done nothing to eliviate President's office from being viewed again as a royal Retirement Home. 

6. Current President of India,  you are equally Criminally Negligent because the threat I received was after writing to you.

7.  Now, President of India has decided to restrict My rights to share views in President's Facebook page. This has been selectively and unilaterally restricted which shows that office of president is #intolerant to citizen views that doesn't look good to him.   This in my view is Disrespect of Constitution by means of restricting Citizen's constitution right to freedom of expression.

Current President of India, in my view, qualifies for being considered to be impeached, for crushing A citizen's right to freedom of expression. But, that only Parliament can do.

Dear Sumitra Mahajan,  Its upto you to take a view on this. I can only submit that years before, young lads gave supreme sacrifice at tender age hoping for a free India and a concerned and caring future generation. And we the future generation continue to be blind, deaf and dumb to evils in our constitutional practices.

Hope your concern, nationalistic value and passion will rise and motivate you to Act, not just talk.

Dear Prime Minister Modi,   This is not a Politically colored message. I am not a Political person. I am one of the many educated, concerned, aggressive and daring Citizen of India who is not ready to compromise.   You have for over 18  months, cared to ignore my messages.  Think again, ignoring my message will do no good, but considering them will bring a sea change in your behavior and action and that I am confident about.

Thus while we celebrate today as Constitution Day of India, its Irony that today is the day, I share to you how Constitutional Head , the President of India, has undermined the Constitutional Rights of me, another Citizen of India.    

But Ironically, "Free India's history stands testimony that system has always been disrespected and at times raped by those very individuals who had been given the responsibility to take care of it". Some times in the very temple of our democracy.

It is a further Irony that India, a nation whose emblem says "Satyameva Jayatey" or "Truth Prevails" but the tallest truth of India is "Lies and Deceits are The Necessary Truth of our Governance. And Life without which are called impractical and Idealist by erst-while PM of India". 

For a Common Citizen of India, Indian constitution has been reduced to a large colorful Umbrella of Democracy under which we see Tyranny and Opression applied by unwritten policies of corruption, lies and deceits Governed by muscle power supported with failure of Law Enforcement and Judiciary. Justice delay is Justice denied and Justice Denied is murder of Constitutional Rights of its Citizens. Thus, Murder of Constitution. 

WakeUp India before its too late. Its already too late.

God Bless India.

Best Wishes,
Amogh Mund
Citizen of India
Domicile of Bhubaneswar

ps : This Article is a reflection on Constitution of India in the Book and its contrast to what is in practice. This is an an open letter to our Current Incharge of Constitution and Governance of India.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Paris Terror Attack and Economy of Terror


Are you anguished with recent Paris terror attack !!! Thinking of retaliation !!! Probably a severe and brutal one.

All that evil needs to thrive is for good men to do nothing.

Your anguish is understandable. Because you are a good human and such inhuman act that you read in news is unacceptable. I am very angry and disturbed my self. 

So now, for a moment, lets assume you have full military force at your disposal. Would you order a strike on all rogue elements by reasonably evaluating risks !!!  Or may be you would like to understand the matter, in a little more detail !!   Take a deep breath and think once about the Big Picture.

Is #ParisTerrorAttack a terror attack or collateral damage ??    Those who think terrorism is due to fundamental mindset of a religion, last 30 years of terrorism says that this inference is indeed true. But then again, there were certain blips in history where Christian and Sikh terrorism were observed. Its all about economy of terrorism and fundamentalism is just a vehicle. I bet if someone does strategic investments, any religion can be terrorist. Being evil is the basic human nature waiting to be only fed and nurtured.

Good men of UN and world did little when Syria was thrown to Civil War by narrow minded, selfish international politics of a few nation and terror ideologist found a fertile ground for their evil ambition nurtured by covert ops of several so-called developed nations marketing heavily to show itself to be on the good side. Same happened in Afghanistan, Iran and Cuba. These nations are called double-sided nations or double nations in short.  Who are the Double Nations that has relied on covert ops undermining sovereignty of other nations to fuel their own economy ??

And Now,.. those very double-nations running covert ops to grow terror in foreign nation are going to ride on the emotional highs of the nations world over for #ParisTerrorAttack to justify aggression, that will surely fuel their economy. The Company movement was THE organized terror movement with the likes of East India Company among others. The movement is still on, only wrapped in different formats of diplomacy.

Well I think some powerfull nations are running overflow of weapons stock-pile and need opportunity to empty stock to keep their economy moving. While common man like us share emotions and anguish whenever we are informed of such terror news, a few inCharge of acts and ommissions in these double nations are calculating the economics of such exchanges and collateral for who life and weapon stock-pile are mere numbers to keep the economic cycle going in their respective favor.  

Why has UN become a F toothless organization on such matters that are later claimed to be reasons of unilateral undermining of sovereignty of a nation ???  Is the International Criminal Court blinded to the greedy aggression ?? Why the F has UN become a vehicle for the powerful nation to exert their dominant influence instead of International Laws and Policy being self functioning ???

Think again, Is #ParisTerrorAttack a terror attack or collateral damage !!

-Amogh Mund


ps : This is a an expression of anger against silent watchdog that is UN in matters of international security and sovereignty coupled with some mindless journalism and presstitutism that are becoming vehicles of propaganda of specific groups.

US Strategy for undermining Sovereignty explained here :